PFAS Technical and Regulatory Guidance Document
The last full update of this document was September 2023.
⇐ ONLINE DOCUMENT: On this web page, use the Table of Contents shown in the left-hand navigation column to select a specific section of interest. The last full update of this document was September 2023. Some references were updated in May 2024. For example, USEPA Method 1633 is no longer a draft method; the USEPA MCLs were finalized, and the USEPA PFAS Destruction and Disposal Guidance Version 2 was published.
2024-25: The PFAS Team is working on additional content for PFAS that will be linked to the existing material when published.
Additional resources developed by ITRC are linked below:
PFAS Fact Sheets
Links for the various ITRC PFAS fact sheets as PDF files.
Data Tables
Tables developed to provide additional data and information to support various PFAS topics.
Training Resources
Various webinars and videos archived for on demand viewing.
Published by the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council, September 2023